June 3, 2024
The main players in the horticultural industry are gathering at the Flower Trials. Producers and visitors from all over the world are meeting in the Netherlands for this landmark event for all plant and flower enthusiasts. During this 20th edition, CLAUSE will once again be exhibiting in the central region of the Netherlands, at the MNP / Suntory site.

20th Edition of the Flower Trials
Over the last twenty years, the Flower Trials have become an unmissable event for the global horticultural community. The Flower Trials are organized by Fleuroselect and its member companies. They allow visitors to discover the latest innovations in pot and bedding plants.
The event brings together the main seed companies, producers, retailers and players of the industry in order to showcase the latest varieties and trends on the horticultural market. You will find novelties that meet current challenges in terms of sustainability, resistance to diseases and ability to adapt to environmental conditions.
This year, the 20th edition is scheduled from June 11 to 14, 2024.
Book your visit !Come and visit us from June 11 to 14
For the 20th anniversary of the Flower Trials, 59 companies will be exhibiting from June 11 to 14, 2024. As was the case for the previous editions, the exhibitors will be showcasing their products at 30 different sites in the 3 geographical areas of the event. The first one is located in the center of the Netherlands, the second one is in the south of the country and the third one is in Germany.
The sites will be open to visitors from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Each of them welcomes ornamental horticulture and retail professionals. This will be the perfect time to meet the CLAUSE HOME GARDEN team, which will be present throughout the event at the MNP / Suntory site.
Find usMeet our Clause Team
The CLAUSE team will be exhibiting at the Flower Trials for the fourth time. Come and discover some of our flagship flower and vegetable varieties. For example, you will find SUNTASTIC F1, our must-have LUPIN MINI GALLERY® BLUE F1 or some of our tomato varieties such as the Buffalo trio.
During the 4 days of the event, our three garden market experts will be available to answer your questions, offer advice or present our complete seed range specifically bred for the horticultural market.
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